the following changes have been pushed to
- [1152160] “take” button doesn’t update the ui, so it looks like nothing happened
- [1152163] passing an invalid bug id to the multiple bug format triggers: Can’t call method “name” on an undefined value
- [1152167] “powered by” logo requests fails: it sets the assignee to dboswell
- [1150448] Replace the newline with ” - ” when the bug’s id and summary are copied
- [1152368] BUGZILLA_VERSION in Bugzill::Constants causes error when installing Perl deps for new BMO installation
- [1090493] Allow ComponentWatching extension to work on either bmo/4.2 or upstream 5.0+
- [1152662] user story text should wrap
- [1152818] changing an assignee to or any .bugs address should automatically reset the status from ASSIGNED to NEW
- [1149406] “project flags” label is visible even if there aren’t any project flags
- [1031035] xmlrpc can be DoS’d with billion laughs attack
- [1152118] Shortcut for editing gets triggered even when “ctrl” and “e” are not pressed at the same time
- [1152360] Add parameter to that generates a cpanfile usable by utilities such as cpanm for installing Perl dependencies
- [1148490] Custom Budget Request form for FSA program
- [1154098] Unable to add mentors to bugs
- [1146767] update relative dates without refreshing the page
- [1153103] add hooks for legal product disclaimer