happy bmo push day!

30th Jan 2014

the following changes have been pushed to bugzilla.mozilla.org:

  • [964299] bzr checkin regexp is a little too tight
  • [76498] QuickSearch: support comparison operators other than substring
  • [893641] change the maxlength of the component field in search results
  • [964856] Add a crash-signature field to Android Background Services
  • [957340] Make updates to the Gear Request Bug Form
  • [105865] bugzilla should pay attention to linebreaks when making bugnumbers to links
the changes to quicksearch are worth highlighting: the default operator, colon (:), has always performed a substring match of the value. the following operators are now also supported:
  • : (substring) summary:food search for bugs where the summary contains foo
  • = (equals): summary=foo search for bugs where the summary is exactly foo
  • != (not-equals): summary!=foo search for bugs where the summary is not foo
  • > (greater-than): creation_ts>-2w search for bugs where that were created between two weeks ago and now, excluding bugs exactly two weeks old
  • >= (greater-than-equals): creation_ts>=-2w search for bugs where that were created between two weeks ago and now, including bugs exactly two weeks old
  • < (less-than): creation_ts<-2w search for bugs where that were created more than two weeks ago, excluding bugs exactly two weeks old
  • <= (less-than-equals): creation_ts<=-2w search for bugs where that were created more than two weeks ago, including bugs exactly two weeks old
discuss these changes on mozilla.tools.bmo.