Mozilla Bugzilla 4.2 Upgrade Testing

5th Jul 2012

The BMO team is happy to announce the first test release of the next version of based on the upstream 4.2 code base.

We are aiming to have the upgrade completed by 23rd July, 2012. Please let us know if that date will have any negative impact on development schedules.

Test it drive at

The database is a recent, sanitized snapshot of the live database so should be useful for testing to make sure the information is displayed properly and changeable. Being that is it sanitized, private bugs, products, groups, attachments, and comments will not be present, and some features which rely on groups will not function.

Please point your various scripts and third party applications that use the XMLRPC/JSON API at the test server to make sure they continue to function properly. A test instance of the BzAPI is available for testing your tools that need it -

There are also numerous new features/fixes that are part of the upstream version 4.2. Some more notable updates include enhanced WebService support, UI enhancements, HTML email, and search improvements. For more detailed information on what has changed since the last upstream release, check out the full release notes page at

The code on the backend supporting search has changed significantly from 4.0 and special attention should be given to verify your saved searches still produce the expected results.

Email is disabled so that unnecessary spam is not sent out; feel free to make changes to bugs to verify proper working order of the UI. We can however enable email delivery to specific email addresses on request to test the new email features of Bugzilla.

We are asking for everyone to get involved as much as possible with testing and feedback.

File any bug reports in the production Bugzilla system in the product.


The BMO Team